Mfangano Island located in L. Victoria, Kenya has a population of 20,000 inhabitants with fishing as main income earner. The island is home to an existing minigrid that consists of a 2x150kVA and 550kVA Generators operational from 2010 and Solar PV 10kW operational from 2015. The number of customers connected to the minigrid number to approximately 1,000 customers. The energy demand in the island is spread across Domestic Households, Public and Commercial Facilities. The Government of Kenya (GoK) is implementing a strategy on reduction of carbon emissions and fuel costs by Hybridization of Diesel Generated Off Grid Power Stations. A case study was carried out to analyse the Mfangano Island Mini Hybrid with Projected Adoption of e-mobility with various scenarios to guide on Capacity Expansion and adoption of e-mobility. The objective of the study was to size the best capacity and combination of technologies that would result to reduced levelized cost of energy (LCOE), fuel cost and carbon (CO2) emissions through increased renewable energy (RE) penetration and reduced diesel generation share per year with projected demand that includes emobility in the future. The results of the study indicated that the stepwise Multiple Investments Capacity Expansion with adoption of e-mobility as a Productive Use of Energy be adopted in hybridization of minigrids.