Climate Compatible Growth Research Index

The Global and National Energy Systems Techno-Economic (GNESTE) Database: Economic and performance data for battery storage in current and future electricity systems

Power sector and energy systems models are widely used to explore the impacts of demographic, socio-economic or policy changes on the cost and emissions of electricity generation. Technology cost and performance data are essential inputs to such models. Despite the ubiquity and importance of these parameters, there is no standardised database which collates the variety of values from across the literature, so modellers must collect them independently each time they populate or update model inputs, leading to duplicated efforts and inconsistencies which can profoundly influence model results. Technology cost and performance varies between countries, regions and over time, meaning that data must be country- or region-specific and frequently updated. Values also vary widely between sources, so obtaining a broad consensus view is critical. Here, we present a database which collates historical, current, and future cost and performance data and assumptions for battery energy storage systems from the open literature. Battery energy storage is the fastest growing form of power system flexibility, and will be critical to integrating large shares of variable renewable energy. The data are global in scope but with regional and national specificity, covers the years 2015 through to 2050, and span 671 datapoints from 18 sources. The database enables modellers to select and justify model input data and provides a benchmark for comparing assumptions and projections to other sources across the literature to validate model inputs and outputs. It is designed to be easily updated with new sources of data, ensuring its utility, comprehensiveness, and broad applicability over time.