Climate Compatible Growth Research Index

Energy Spatial Data Management Plan for Senegal

Publication Year: 2023
As part of the Plan Sénégal Émergent, the Senegalese government has set itself the goal of providing all citizens with access to reliable, high-quality, affordable electricity by 2025. One of the major components of this ambition is to raise the electrification rate to 100% by 2025 through major investments in the sector, targeting in particular rural areas where only 53.9% of the population had access to electricity. To achieve this major objective, there is need for effective spatial data management systems such as NSDI so that all Households and productive use units (public infrastructures) are connected to electricity by 2025. Data from all sectors requiring electrification to operate their businesses will be collected together through NSDI and from there, it will be easier to supply electricity to them by the set planning horizon.