Climate Compatible Growth Research Index

Land Reform in Rondônia: A Study of Population Development at The Location Using Electrical and Land Reform Data

Publication Year: 2024
Given the territorial recognition in 1981 by the federal government, Rondônia gainedincreased attention throughout the 1990s due to land disputes and the need to reduce ruralpoverty levels and violent conflicts over land in the region. Assisted by the World Bank, thesolution came through the implementation of the Agrarian Reform model, regulated by theNational Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). Subsequently, there wassignificant population growth, both among the local residents and those coming from otherstates. With the integration of data from the National System Operator (ONS) and theEnergy Research Company (EPE) into the Energy Access Explorer (EAE) tool, this reportaims to verify the population development in areas corresponding to the reforms carried outby the federal government. Through the inclusion of this data, it was possible to observethat the wealth index and population concentration are at the epicenter of the areas wherereforms occurred or along the transmission lines of the state.