Long-term Energy System Modelling for a Clean Energy Transition and Improved Energy Security in Botswana’s Energy Sector using OSeMOSYS (Open-Source Energy Modelling System)
Modelling Policy Pathways to Maximise Renewable Energy Growth and Investment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Using OSeMOSYS (Open Source Energy Modelling System)
Republic of the Congopublication
Reducing Fossil Fuel Dependence and Exploring Just Energy Transition Pathways in Indonesia using OSeMOSYS (Open-Source Energy Modelling System)
The Global and National Energy Systems Techno-Economic (GNESTE) Database: Economic and performance data for battery storage in current and future electricity systems
Long-term Energy System Modelling for a Clean Energy Transition and Improved Energy Security in Botswana’s Energy Sector using OSeMOSYS (Open-Source Energy Modelling System)
A critical analysis of Morocco’s Green Hydrogen Roadmap: a modelling approach to assess country readiness from the energy trilemma perspective
The Global and National Energy Systems Techno-Economic (GNESTE) Database: Economic and performance data for gas power in current and future electricity systems
Techno-economic dataset and assumptions for long-term energy systems modelling in the Dominican Republic (2024–2050)
DominicaDominican Republicpublication
The Global and National Energy Systems Techno-Economic (GNESTE) Database: Economic and performance data for gas power in current and future electricity systems